Mini Facelift (The G Lift™)
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Danville, Walnut Creek and Manteca, CA

The G Lift™, or mini facelift, is a short scar facelift. This less invasive procedure reduces droopy skin on the upper neck and lower face for a more youthful appearance. Dr. Hayes B. Gladstone is a double-board-certified dermatologic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. His cutting-edge procedures have helped many patients achieve stunning results.
Sagging skin around the lower portions of the face can be one of the earlier signs of facial aging, but a G Lift™ can help sculpt these areas to take years off the face. At the Gladstone Clinic, Dr. Gladstone is incredibly skilled at rejuvenating patients’ appearances. He is well known for his innovative techniques and customizable procedures. For example, the G Lift™ incorporates special techniques developed by Dr. Gladstone — like an incision shaped like a “G” — to provide patients with the best results. The G -Lift can be combined with other procedures such as platysmaplasty, laser resurfacing, and eyelifts to maximize your overall facial rejuvenation.
Contact our office online to schedule a consultation and learn more about how a mini facelift can refresh your appearance, or call any of our offices directly to speak with one of our experts:
Before and After Photos
About the G Lift™
Aging, lifestyle, and diet can all affect the quality of the skin, resulting in laxity, wrinkles, and fine lines that increase your perceived age. Long-term exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light can also age your skin prematurely (a process called photoaging), affecting the structure of your skin’s elastin proteins. Although anti-aging creams, facials, and collagen supplements can address mild signs of facial aging, they are usually not substantial enough to effectively reduce sagging skin.
A G Lift™ refreshes your appearance by removing sagging skin from the lower face and upper neck with discreet incisions for natural-looking results. In 2023, surgeons performed more than 78,000 mini facelifts to help patients address signs of aging.
Mini vs. Lower Facelift
Dr. Gladstone will likely recommend a lower facelift if you have more severely drooping skin. This procedure uses a different type of incision to address larger amounts of loose skin for patients with more progressive facial aging. Dr. Gladstone will examine your skin during your consultation to determine the best treatment plan for you.
After a G Lift™, you can enjoy several benefits, including:
- A more youthful-looking appearance: Smoother, tighter skin along the lower face and upper neck can take decades off your appearance.
- Improved self-confidence: Many patients feel happier with their appearance after the procedure.
- A defined jawline: Addressing droopy jowls and loose skin on the jaw and upper neck can improve your jawline definition.
- Natural-looking results: Dr. Gladstone carefully tightens the skin with discreet incisions for stunning results.
- Performed under local anesthesia: Less downtime and recovery
If you want to address loose skin on the lower face and upper neck, you are likely a good candidate for a mini facelift or G Lift™. The G Lift™ is less invasive than a traditional facelift and provides excellent results for candidates with mild to moderate skin laxity. Suitable candidates are nonsmokers in good overall health with realistic expectations. If you smoke, you must be willing to quit for some time before and after your procedure.
To learn more about our additional procedures, see our blog!
During your consultation, Dr. Gladstone will ask about your medical history, lifestyle, and current medications to create a personalized treatment plan for your needs. Please come to your consultation prepared to discuss your aesthetic goals and any cosmetic procedures you have had in the past.
To prepare for a G Lift™, you may need to:
- Stop smoking temporarily for 6 weeks before and after your procedure (if this applies to you)
- Refrain from drinking alcohol for 48 hours before and after your procedure
- Refrain from any medication such as aspirin or ibuprofen and homeopathics including fish oil that can affect blood clotting.
- Adjust your medication regimen according to Dr. Gladstone’s instructions
- Avoid excessive sun exposure
- Pick up prescriptions and run errands ahead of time
- Create a comfortable environment in your home in which you can rest and recover
The G Lift™ uses a specific technique developed by Dr. Gladstone. During the procedure, Dr. Gladstone will make an incision starting in the hairline and that goes along the border of the ear. The incision will extend inferiorly around the earlobe and ascend along the postauricular sulcus for approximately three centimeters, then extend posteriorly for approximately 1.5-2 centimeters. The shape of this incision resembles a “G” around the ear, which is how the procedure gets its name.
Through the incision, Dr. Gladstone can access the layer of connective tissue beneath your skin–the SMAS layer–and the platysma muscles. The SMAS layer and the platysma are tightened and excess skin is removed. The end result is a more youthful appearance and a reduction of wrinkles.
The advantage of a G Lift™ over a standard mini facelift is that its incision extends posteriorly; incisions for the traditional mini facelift stop at the anterior (front) portion of the earlobe. The posterior extension provides a significantly better lift along the jawline and upper neck. Yet because the G Lift™ is still a short scar procedure, recovery time is no different than a typical mini facelift. The G Lift™ technique also incorporates deeper sutures at a more vertical angle, which creates a more vertical vector; this characteristic is not commonly found in short scar facelifts.
After a G Lift™, it is normal to experience temporary swelling or bruising around the treated areas. Dr. Gladstone may prescribe medication to help you recover comfortably. During your recovery, you must keep your head elevated and be mindful of your incisions. You should also avoid strenuous exercise until Dr. Gladstone says it is okay to do so.
Depending on your unique situation and the physical demands of your job, you should be able to return to work after about 1-2 weeks. It is important to attend any follow-up appointments so that Dr. Gladstone can monitor your healing progress.
If you have any questions during your recovery, please give our office a call.

After a G Lift™, you can enjoy a more defined, more youthful facial appearance. The G Lift™ will provide long-lasting results that appear natural. In most patients, it will last about 6 years, though results vary. By removing excess skin with discreet incisions, patients can see a more contoured jawline and a restored heart-shaped appearance. It is important to continue to protect your skin by wearing sunblock with a significant sun protection factor (SPF); 80% of skin aging is caused by UV exposure.
The Cost of a Mini Facelift in Danville
The cost of a mini facelift, or G Lift™, will depend on your unique situation. During your personal consultation, Dr. Gladstone will provide you with an all-inclusive quote.
Contact our office to schedule a consultation today to get started. Call one of our conveniently located offices to learn more:
Is there an age limit for who can have a mini facelift?
There is not a specific age limit, but Dr. Gladstone along with your primary care doctor will determine if you are healthy enough for this procedure. If you have droopy skin that will not respond to nonsurgical treatments, Dr. Gladstone can examine your skin during your consultation to determine the best plan for your needs.
Will I have visible scarring after a mini facelift?
During the G Lift™, Dr. Gladstone makes discreet incisions to carry out the short scar procedure. Scar healing is a process and may take several months to be optimized. Eventually,scars will be barely visible, as they are located along the natural contours of the ear. However in some individuals who are prone to hypertrophic scars or pigmentation, the scars could be visible Dr. Gladstone has a management plan for the scars to optimize their appearance.
Does a mini facelift hurt?
The mini facelift, (G Lift™) procedure is performed under local anesthesia with oral sedation to make for a more comfortable experience. It is normal to experience discomfort during recovery from the procedure. You may experience swelling, redness, and tenderness in the treated areas. However, these symptoms will gradually subside. Dr. Gladstone may prescribe medication to make the recovery process more comfortable. Can other procedures be performed at the same time as the G-Lift mini lift? Yes. For appropriate patients, Dr. Gladstone will always recommend full face laser resurfacing since this is a very complimentary procedure which smoothes and tightens the skin. The mini lift and the full face laser resurfacing synergize to provide superior results.
How do I know if a mini or a traditional facelift is best for me?
If you are unsure what kind of facelift would be the best fit for you, Dr. Gladstone can provide recommendations during your personal consultation. G Lifts are best for patients who experience sagging skin along the lower face and upper neck. If you are looking to rejuvenate more areas of the face, Dr. Gladstone might recommend a traditional facelift.
Will I need more than one mini facelift?
The mini facelift typically provides patients with the results they want after just one appointment. For most patients, it should last approximately 6 years, but results may vary. However, if you experience changes to your skin due to the processes of aging over time or UV exposure, Dr. Gladstone may recommend an additional procedure to refresh your complexion.