Neck Lift
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Danville, Walnut Creek and Manteca, CA

When your neck area doesn’t match your upper facial appearance, a neck lift may be the ideal solution.
Because of aging, sun damage, and just the luck of genetics, many of us can have loose neck skin even when we are young. This can evolve into what is called the “turkey” neck. In most patients, there will also be playsmal muscle bands which accentuate the blunting of the neck. Even a turtleneck may not hide the turkey neck. At this time, there really isn’t a noninvasive procedure to completely correct this loose skin. The most appropriate procedure would be a surgical neck lift with platysmal plication. It can provide a fairly dramatic improvement in the neck contour. It does very little for the jowls.
Dr. Gladstone performs a neck lift with local tumescent anesthesia and oral sedation. It involves an incision starting from behind the earlobe to behind the ear, and extends into the hairline. It requires about two and half hours. Dr. Gladstone always include neck liposuction with this procedure since it helps to improve the neck contour. On many patients, Dr. Gladstone will also make a small incision under the chin so that he can tighten the platysmal bands in addition to tightening them from the main incisions behind the ear.
You can have bruising and swelling from a neck lift. Generally, you may possibly need to take one week off from work. You can possibly have soreness, and your neck may feel tight. You may have numbness that can last several months. The bruising and swelling can possibly resolve in 7-10 days. The stitches are all dissolvable. You will be urged to wear a compression garment that we provide for two weeks—as much as you can. It can help with swelling and soreness and compresses the skin. The scars can possibly heal in approximately 3 months but can be optimized with laser or medical micropigmentation. A neck lift may last between 6-8 years. A man having this procedure should have at least moderate hair length, or the scar will be noticeable as it heals.
On selected patients, Dr. Gladstone may recommend a noninvasive tightening procedure following the neck lift.
From the moment you walk into the Gladstone Clinic, you’ll find that our staff is both professional and gracious, while Dr. Gladstone is warm, knowledgeable and incredibly skilled. Using the latest and most advanced procedures for cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, our team offers services emphasizing overall health and wellness to the residents of San Ramon, Danville, Pleasanton, San Francisco, and the surrounding communities in California. Contact us now to set up your complimentary consultation!