Mini Facelift San Ramon

Mini Facelift San Ramon

Mini Facelift in San Ramon, CA

Men and women both are using the treatments and procedures available to them to achieve a more fresh and rejuvenated appearance. The Mini Facelift San Ramon is a cosmetic surgery option for those looking to lift the lower face and reduce sagging in the jowls. In the Mini Facelift procedure the incision is made from the top of the ear to the earlobe–this incision placement hides the scar well. Excess sagging skin is removed and the procedure may include liposuction to remove stubborn fat in the lower face and neck area.

The Mini Facelift is ideal for men and women who have more sagging than can be improved through less-invasive methods such as injectable fillers or Ulthera. If you are interested in learning more about your facial rejuvenation options and to find out if a Mini Facelift may be right for you, contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Gladstone today.

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