Electronic Brachytherapy Treatment (EBX)
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Danville, Walnut Creek and Manteca, CA

The Gladstone Clinic is proud to offer state of the art minimally invasive Electronic Brachytherapy (EBX) for the treatment of many skin cancers to the patients in San Ramon, Danville, Pleasanton, San Francisco and surrounding communities. At the Gladstone Clinic, we want to offer as many effective options for skin cancer treatment as possible. Though Mohs Surgery is the gold standard for the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer, Dr. Gladstone understands that surgery may not be the best option for all patients, and wants to customize your skin cancer care.
Electronic Brachytherapy is a form of superficial radiation that can be performed in an office setting. It does not use an isotope as its energy source. Electronic Brachytherapy has been used for other cancers, but more recently has been used to treat skin cancers. There are no needles used since this treatment doesn’t require numbing. There should be no downtime, and patients can immediately resume normal activities. These treatments are performed at the Gladstone Clinic in San Ramon.
Treatment Targets
Generally, EBX is effective for Basal Cell Cancers and Squamous Cell Cancers of the skin.
Treatment Areas

Most areas can be treated. EBX is particularly effective in cosmetically sensitive areas such as the face as well as hard to heal areas such as the shin.
Rate of Success
Studies to date have shown that EBX cure rates are over 90%
The procedure does not involve pain.
Please view our patient testimonial videos below.
Treatment Duration
Usually 15 minutes.
Treatment Amount
It depends on your particular cancer and site, but many patients require 10 treatments that are performed twice per week.
Additional Treatment
Generally, Vaseline is adequate.
Visible Scars
EBX generally will not leave a scar, however in many patients, it leaves a hypopigmented (light) spot in the area treated.
Currently Medicare covers Electronic Brachytherapy treatments.
Please contact the Gladstone Clinic, and a consultation will be set up with a Board Certified Radiation Oncologist.
Please contact the Gladstone Clinic, and a consultation will be set up with a Board Certified Radiation Oncologist.