How do I prepare for my visit to the Gladstone Clinic?

For new patients, it is important to fill out the secure online registration and medical history form. When you make an appointment, you will be given a link and code in order access the online forms. That link is also available in this section of the website.
It is very important that you fill out these online forms since it will make your visit smoother and allow Dr. Gladstone and his staff address your needs. We have the latest practice management system which should simplify this necessary task.

Where do I park?

The Gladstone Clinic has a spacious and free parking lot at the office.

What should I bring to the appointment

If you see Dr. Gladstone and his staff for medical reasons, please bring your insurance card/ information. If you have a co-pay, then you will be asked for it at the time of the visit.
In most cases, if you are referred for skin cancer or a Mohs Surgery Consultation, the information will have been to us by your Doctor, but if you have the pathology report, and any other pertinent information, please bring it with you.

What should I expect during a medical visit to the Gladstone Clinic?

If you are here for a full body skin check, you will be provided with a gown to change into. Dr. Gladstone will listen to your specific concerns, and then thoroughly examine your skin. If you have scaly precancers known as actinic keratoses, Dr. Gladstone may use a liquid nitrogen spray to reduce them. If there is a suspicious spot or bump for skin cancer, then Dr. Gladstone may perform a skin biopsy using local numbing injection.

What should I expect during a cosmetic consultation?

If you have facial photodamage concerns, then you may receive a Visia facial analysis before seeing Dr. Gladstone. Dr. Gladstone will then listen to your specific concerns, and go over the Visia analysis since many times it may provide a guide for treatment. He will examine your areas of concern and develop and discuss a treatment plan to meet your goals. Information about the appropriate treatments and a fee quote sheet will be given to you. However, a mirror is also a very effective tool to communicate your concerns. For body concerns, you will be asked to change into a gown.

What is the charge for a cosmetic consultation?

Cosmetic Consultations Are Complimentary at the Gladstone Clinic

How do I prepare for Mohs Surgery? What should I expect?

Please follow the preoperative directions given to you by the Gladstone Clinic. Unless advised otherwise by your primary care doctor or specialist, please stop aspirin, Ibuprofen and similar pain medication such as Naproxen and Advil one week before the surgery.
Please wear comfortable clothes, and while some patients may be finished with Mohs Surgery in less than an hour, please be prepared to spend most of the day at the Gladstone Clinic. You should bring something to read or work. The Gladstone Clinic has WIFI. The Gladstone Clinic provides refreshments, but you may want to bring food. Other than blood thinners, you should continue your medicines and bring any that you may need to take during the day.
After the initial Mohs stage, there is usually a 30-minute wait as the slides are developed, and your skin is microscopically mapped and interpreted by Dr. Gladstone.
Occasionally, this takes longer, and our staff will keep you informed. When the Mohs is complete, Dr. Gladstone will perform the reconstruction or refer you to another specialist (this is usually coordinated ahead of time). You will be given both verbal and written care instructions. While many patients may be able to drive home, some may want to have a driver particularly if the skin cancer is near your eye.

How do I prepare for a cosmetic procedure?

For smaller procedures, please follow the instructions given.  Please stop Aspirin, Ibuprofen and similar pain relievers such as Naproxen one week before the procedure since they can increase bruising and bleeding.
For larger procedures such as facelifts or full face laser resurfacing, there will be a preoperative visit, and Dr. Gladstone and his staff will go over all of the instructions and answer your questions.

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