Conveniently located to serve the areas of Danville, Walnut Creek and Manteca, CA
Tumescent liposuction is ideal for those looking to contour and shape their bodies.

Tumescent liposuction (lipo) is a less invasive surgical method for body contouring. The tumescent technique was developed in the 1980s by Jeff Klein, MD, a dermatologist in Southern California. His technique revolutionized liposuction and increased its safety.
Before and After Photos
Ideal Candidate
Tumescent liposuction is for contouring rather than weight loss. Good candidates are in good shape and near their ideal body weight, but despite exercise and good nutrition just can’t get rid of pockets of fat. This may be due to genetics or aging where metabolism slows. Individuals with loose skin, large amounts of excess fat or fat that is visceral rather than subcutaneous would not be good candidates for tumescent liposuction.
Dr. Gladstone performs tumescent liposuction which uses local anesthesia and oral sedation. Tumescent liposuction is for improving contour and shape, and is not for weight loss. Though there will be skin tightening with liposuction, many times a noninvasive skin tightening procedure will be performed following the liposuction. Dr. Gladstone performs liposuction on many different parts of the body. The most common are the abdomen, flanks (love handles), back (including bra bulges), upper arms, neck, outer (saddlebags) and inner thighs.
There is downtime with tumescent liposuction which may range from 3-7 days. Following the procedure, there can be bruising and swelling. For the first 24-72 hours, there may be some drainage from the small incisions. Compression garments are recommended to be worn which can improve the outcome. While tumescent liposuction uses small rods to treat the fat, there will still be small scars. While it is unlikely that the fat will return to the area that underwent liposuction, at least one study has shown that women who had abdominal liposuction gained one cup size. Though most patients can begin to see results soon after the decrease in the swelling and bruising, final results from liposuction may take between 4-6 months.
That depends on you. Good nutrition and regular exercise will maintain results.
The Gladstone Clinic is committed to providing the best care and service for our patients. Contact our office to learn more about tumescent liposuction and to schedule a complimentary consultation to determine if the procedure is right for you. We proudly serve the residents of San Ramon, Danville, Pleasanton, San Francisco, and the surrounding communities in California.