Nose Reconstruction
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Danville, Walnut Creek and Manteca, CA

Nose reconstruction or nose reshaping can help you achieve a more optimal appearance for your nose. Your nose is without a doubt the most prominent aspect of your face. Reconstruction of your nose involves cosmetic and structural alterations and the adjustment of aesthetic details. Nasal deformities or defects in your nose’s appearance can be caused by trauma, congenital defects, or as a result of a cancerous tumor that has been removed, such as by Mohs surgery, leaving a defect that can only be addressed by reconstructive surgery.
Before and After Photos
Reconstruction of your nose involves a deep knowledge of the subtle alterations and aesthetic principles that create an optimal nasal appearance. Dr. Gladstone has been a leading cosmetic surgeon for many years, and during his tenure as Director of Dermatologic Surgery at Stanford University, he developed important new protocols for the advancement of nose reconstruction as a subspecialty.
Ideal Candidate
Set up your complimentary nose reconstruction consultation with Dr. Gladstone and find out more about whether or not you might be an ideal candidate for nose reconstruction. Dr. Gladstone will focus on your appearance, while also ensuring that your normal breathing functions are not impaired.
Surgery Preparation
Recreating your nose through nose reconstruction is a daunting challenge, and to have it done right, you are wise to work only with the best reconstructive surgeon in the area, Dr. Hayes Gladstone. Dr. Gladstone will meticulously review your pretreatment planning considerations with you so that you can achieve the outstanding nose reconstruction results that you deserve.
Surgery Duration
The duration of your nose reconstruction treatment is largely dictated by the nature and size of the defect or deformity being treated. Your nose reconstruction is customized to your unique needs. With Dr. Gladstone, the goal of your surgery is to repair the internal structures and also to restore the natural shape and contours of your nose. The nose is divided into the dorsum (bridge), the tip, the columella (the post between the nostrils), and bilateral ala (round subunits above each nostril rim), sidewalls, and soft triangles. Trauma and cosmetic defects naturally vary in size, shape, and depth from patient to patient. During your consultation, Dr. Gladstone will review the specifics of your nose reconstruction treatment, including how long it will take, the steps of the procedure, and what you can expect afterward.
You may experience a mild to moderate amount of pain and discomfort following your surgery; however, any discomfort should begin to subside within 72 hours after your surgery. Bruising and swelling are not unusual symptoms, and while they often worsen on the second day following surgery, they will then steadily improve from that point forward.
Residual Scarring
Your nose reconstruction results will become evident in the days and weeks after your procedure. As the healing takes place, your residual bruising and swelling will subside, and the carefully reconstructed contours of your nose will begin to take shape. You will also see that any potential scars have been completely minimized by Dr. Gladstone.
As the swelling in your nose greatly improves in the weeks after your procedure, you will start to see your results, and your nose will continue to improve for up to one year after surgery.
Your results from nose reconstruction are permanent, not temporary.
Dr. Gladstone is a skilled professional with expert precision and a tremendous attention to detail. His style is warm and supportive, and his hands-on approach is at a level of excellence and expertise rarely experienced. In addition to Dr. Gladstone’s great credentials and calm bedside manner, our office is clean and comfortable, with a phenomenally relaxing ambiance. The cost of your treatment will vary depending upon your needs. During your free consultation, Dr. Gladstone and our friendly staff will patiently and gently provide you with a wealth of information and knowledge, including the cost for your precise plan of treatment. In addition to accepting a wide range of insurances and all standard forms of payment, the Gladstone Clinic also offers convenient financing options through Lending Club®, CareCredit®, and Alphaeon™.
From the moment you walk into the Gladstone Clinic, you’ll find that our staff is both professional and gracious, while Dr. Gladstone is warm, knowledgeable and incredibly skilled. Using the latest and most advanced procedures for cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, our team offers services emphasizing overall health and wellness to the residents of San Ramon, San Francisco, Pleasanton, and the surrounding communities in California. Contact us now to set up your free consultation!